Goose in beauty parlour cartoon - Free animals cartoons

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Goose in beauty parlour cartoon - Free animals cartoons
Keywords: Funny zoo cartoons for free, goose picture for free, free goose caricature, download free goose cartoon, free animals cartoon images, animals cartoon pictures download and print for free, funny animals cartoons for websites, blogs, social networks.
Confessor: I have stolen a fat goose from a poultry yard!
Priest: That is very wrong.
Confessor: Would you like to accept it, Father?
Priest: Certainly not- return it to the man whom you stole it from.
Confessor: But I have offered it to him and he won't have it.
Priest: In that case you may keep it yourself.
Confessor: Thank you, Father.
The Priest arrived home to find one of his geese had been stolen...
Keywords: Funny zoo cartoons for free, goose picture for free, free goose caricature, download free goose cartoon, free animals cartoon images, animals cartoon pictures download and print for free, funny animals cartoons for websites, blogs, social networks.
Jokes about Animals
Confessor: I have stolen a fat goose from a poultry yard!
Priest: That is very wrong.
Confessor: Would you like to accept it, Father?
Priest: Certainly not- return it to the man whom you stole it from.
Confessor: But I have offered it to him and he won't have it.
Priest: In that case you may keep it yourself.
Confessor: Thank you, Father.
The Priest arrived home to find one of his geese had been stolen...
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Wolfi Korn (Cartoon and Comic Artist)
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