Musician cartoon free

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Musician cartoon free
Keywords: Funny cartoons for office, funny cartoon pictures, music pictures for free, free music caricature, download free music cartoon, short funny jokes for office daily grind, free office cartoons download online, funny pics for work, jokes for emails and newsletter, humorous jokes for work days, good jokes
A jazz player dies and goes to heaven... (no that's not the joke)... Once he gets there, St. Peter points to where the heavenly jazz band is forming. The guy goes there and sees all of the greats that ever lived... Charlie Parker, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, everybody! Duke Ellington was conducting the band. "Duke, this is some kind of band! I mean, you've got everybody here! This is great!" "Yeah," Duke replies, "it's okay." The jazz player is shocked. "OK? This is the greatest band ever!" Duke replied, "Yeah, the band's great. But see, God has this girlfriend, and she sings.
Keywords: Funny cartoons for office, funny cartoon pictures, music pictures for free, free music caricature, download free music cartoon, short funny jokes for office daily grind, free office cartoons download online, funny pics for work, jokes for emails and newsletter, humorous jokes for work days, good jokes
Jokes for daily routine in office
A jazz player dies and goes to heaven... (no that's not the joke)... Once he gets there, St. Peter points to where the heavenly jazz band is forming. The guy goes there and sees all of the greats that ever lived... Charlie Parker, John Coltrane, Miles Davis, everybody! Duke Ellington was conducting the band. "Duke, this is some kind of band! I mean, you've got everybody here! This is great!" "Yeah," Duke replies, "it's okay." The jazz player is shocked. "OK? This is the greatest band ever!" Duke replied, "Yeah, the band's great. But see, God has this girlfriend, and she sings.
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Wolfi Korn (Cartoonist, Designer)
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